
This site was just started 1-2-09.  If you have any comments or ideas that you would like me to know please fill out one of the forms below.  Please check out the games and accessory pages (or what is done on them so far) and tell me what you think.

Site Creator:  Dewars


1/2/09: Site Creation and the games pictures and accessory pictures added.

1/3/09: Pages for each game and accessory.  The games got rating from Game Informer and Gamestop.  Accessories got prices for Gamestop and Best Buy.

1/4/09: Added developer, publisher, engine, north american release date, genre, and the game's rating to each game.  Added RFOM & R2.  Changed the separate games page to a two column layout.

1/5/09:  Added a description for each accessory.  Also I added ratings from Gamestop.com.

Contact Dewars